Monday, May 01, 2006


funny anecdote
anecdote turns serious
serious turns bible story
bible story turns moral for our lives
three easy steps to accomplish this in our lives.

here's a trick: that formula has been flowing in and out of our ears for our entire lives. it doesn't work. it doesn't hold our attention, and as a Christian College student, I am appalled that you think I am not intelligent enough to just dive into the Bible that I have been memorizing since I could speak:

"a little bit of fish, and a little bit of bread, fed a whoooole lot of people..."

Ever since the idea of starting my own worship service was planted in my head, I've been wondering what it's going to look like.
I've realized that I have things to say, and now I have an opportunity to say them, discuss them.
My goal, and hopefully the goal of others involved, will not be to entertain you for an hour or more on a sunday morning, but to challenge your life to change, to become God's creation rather than your own. And I know I can't do that through entertaining anecdotes and spewing a few bible verses at you. So bear with me as I try to figure out how I can do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
