Friday, August 25, 2006

coming attractions

i leave in three days.

it's possible that church could be soon soon soon.

would it be weird to speak about idols on the first sunday?
"idolatry is a state of mind before it is a religious practice- the state of mind that believes it can guarantee security through the manipulation of this world...[under] two false pretenses."
ok so i totally didn't write that. Oswald Chambers (indirectly) told it to me the other day. but after reading that, how can i not want to speak about idolatry?

i was hoping to do a "hippie" sermon about calling on creation as a witness to God's covenants, and other things throughout the bible and then incorporating a yet-to-be determined interactive activity with the beach and ocean. but goodness do i love that quote about idolatry.

how many bibles do you think a church-runner (im super not a pastor) should have?
i bet the big fish has at least 10. i have two that i use on a regular basis. plus God. that's another one. dad swears by the one column bibles. i want one. how many translations do you need? i have two. plus God. that's another one. how many sermons am i supposed to have prepared? i have a lot of half-baked ideas. plus God. that's one. things are getting big around here...

3 comments: said...

Hi Little Fish

I get the feeling you are heading off to school.

How many Bibles do you need? I don't know. I have a couple that I love. One is the NIV and the other is the Jewish New Testament. I also like a translation of the Torah by Gunther Plaut. The guy is somewhat liberal, but if you sift through the notes between the chapters he brings out some points that you would only find from a Hebrew scholar. I also have a computer disc that has 5 translations on it that comes in handy.

Best Wishes,
Marc O'Hara - Your Dad's old friend

Anonymous said...

Little Fish,
If you are running a windows os download E-Sword tons of translations,dictionaries,commentaries etc. Plus it's free talk about a cool ministry for a tech guy.
Your Dad's TOO old freind.

Alyssa said...

anyone who knows the fishes knows we would NEVER run on a window os. ew. :)