Wednesday, March 28, 2007

futility of the red bird

a red bird, aka cardinal lives on our property.
every day, all day long it flies into our windows.
the house has three floors.
it is no respecter of floors.
if i'm on the bottom floor it flies into the glass door for the deck.
if i'm on the second floor, the living room, it flies into the large windows.
if i'm on the third floor, it flies into the bedroom windows.
in my wife's office, third floor, it flies into her window.
as i write this it is flying into the window in front of me.
if we go on the deck it flies away.
the previous owners warned us about the bird.
they believed it was a deceased father reincarnated.
since i do not believe in reincarnation, i believe it is a bird with nothing better to do than fly into the windows.
we researched, how long do these birds live?
sometimes 15 years.
that's a long time to fly into windows.
one day the bird was sitting on a tree branch in front of the house chirping at me.
it's the most i've heard the bird say.
the bird's activities are a waste of time.
are human beings any better?
at times is the church any better?
i was at a church that had the same easter service every year to "bring people to christ."
good intentions. in five years, two people became christians on easter.
i'm glad they did.
but all the other years . . . no one.
were we flying into windows?

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