Friday, August 25, 2006

coming attractions

i leave in three days.

it's possible that church could be soon soon soon.

would it be weird to speak about idols on the first sunday?
"idolatry is a state of mind before it is a religious practice- the state of mind that believes it can guarantee security through the manipulation of this world...[under] two false pretenses."
ok so i totally didn't write that. Oswald Chambers (indirectly) told it to me the other day. but after reading that, how can i not want to speak about idolatry?

i was hoping to do a "hippie" sermon about calling on creation as a witness to God's covenants, and other things throughout the bible and then incorporating a yet-to-be determined interactive activity with the beach and ocean. but goodness do i love that quote about idolatry.

how many bibles do you think a church-runner (im super not a pastor) should have?
i bet the big fish has at least 10. i have two that i use on a regular basis. plus God. that's another one. dad swears by the one column bibles. i want one. how many translations do you need? i have two. plus God. that's another one. how many sermons am i supposed to have prepared? i have a lot of half-baked ideas. plus God. that's one. things are getting big around here...