Tuesday, September 26, 2006

danger fish in the abandon house

oh heyyy....
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2006, 11 AM.
abandon house aka church at the beach will commence.
lunch will follow, so don't you wish you were in college?

i miss bill too, it's kind of embarassing the way america votes these days. i'm in an american politics class this semester and we're learning crazy stuff about the lack of democracy in our democratic republic... anyway. my main point right now is that in most little fishies minds, the next election is between mr. barak "chi-town" obama and ms. hilary "solid as a freakin rock so i rule the state of new york" clinton. basically either world is fine with me.

i'll be bahck, in the words of my governator. and i'll have church service numero uno to report on.

i miss bill

occasionally I spot a bumper sticker that expresses the driver's longing for the previous president. i share that sentiment. yes, he did something wrong, haven't we all? but in spite of the wrong thing he did, there were hundreds of right things he did while president. i'm finishing his autobiography and remembering how much i liked having him as president. on election night, my wife and i were watching the results while staying in an incredible bed and breakfast in key west, florida. (if you go to key west stay at the eden house) we ate pizza and cheered. his first inauguration was a celebration of hope. first baby boom president. those were great years for this country; low interest rates, the deficit disappeared, the government was running on a balanced budget with money in the bank, smallest government since the 1930's, the number of abortions performed were reduced, the number of people on welfare was shrinking, college students were getting help for tuition by working in poor areas helping others, layoffs were rare because companies had confidence in the economy, the number of violent crimes went down every year for eight years, and unemployment was at 1950's levels.

the only government waste i noticed was the tens of millions of dollars ken star wasted finding out the president did nothing wrong.

during the past week, president clinton has been on an abundance of news and interview programs. listening to him answer questions reminds me of the incredible president he was.

during eight of little fish's school years, he was the president. i wonder who will be the first peson of her generation to become president. perhaps her generation will have the courage to elect a woman or minority. this country is on its 43rd president; all caucasion males. speaking as a caucasion male, we're okay, but sometimes bland and boring. isn't it time for a little variety in the oval office? not that the texan hasn't given us a few laughs. i am impressed he is bi-lingual. i wonder if he pronounces any spanish words in the same funny way he messes up english words? but i still miss bill.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

those people

recently recieved an emial titled "Can a Good Muslim be a Good American?"
I do not know the author so do not have the opportunity to speak directly with him or her
after a list of reasons why, in the author's opinion, a good muslim cannot be a good american (you knew that would be the result didn't you?) the author closes with the observation, "perhaps we should be very suspicious of all muslims."
i suppose an american who is an athiest can live that way, but any american who is also a christian has a higher calling on his or her life
i suggest that the author either never read or has ignored the words in the Bible, "for God so loved the world" and other passages which point to the reality that God not only loves people of all nations, but really wants christians to love people of all nations. God does not want us to become suspecious of a group of people from another religion simply because of the tragedies caused by a very small faction within that group.
if this were true, then people would need to be suspicious of all white, southern christians because of the KKK.
people would need to be suspicious of all white military veterns because of Timothy McVey
people would need to be suspicious of all japanese because of Shoko Asahara

growing suspicious of a group of people because of religious, ethnic, or racial differences is notthing new
it is also nothing good