Tuesday, June 06, 2006

go-go gadget gospel

it's always good to start off a post with a song reference.

there's a lot of talk about how this emerging church is "the next generation." that is because this is important. it is important to remember that in the fall, our church will be the newest, the next, and not the first or the only. there have been many churches before us, and even many like ours. hopefully there is not another one just like our church in the same area, because that's redundant and there's no point in planting when there's a tree in your way...

but back to the point. it has been important for me, and i think for other kids who are church searching and finding these days, to find a church that has wisepeople. men and women who have been around the church block and the world and can lead me and offer solomon-like words of advice and wisdom to help me in my spiritual journey. where would i be without wisepeople like annie lamott, c.s. lewis, oswald chambers or the ever-prevalent donald miller? with that in mind, it is crucial that this emerging generation of church-leaders let themselves be pushed in the right direction, rather than assuming their way is the best. because even if it is, their way was thought of by someone else first, i'm almost positive of that.

so while our church will be lead by two crazy college kids who don't know what their doing, they are also two crazy pastors kids who have been around more than one or two church blocks and can always pick up the phone if they get lost. we're not trying to do anything new or different, just what feels right.

in conclusion: we have a name! The Abandon House. in the tradition of abandoning ourselves and our church and our faith to Jesus. so there, reality has a name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning Little Fish I pray that you are successful in your endeavors.I suggest that you devore J.B.Phillips "Your God is too small" as you head into this venture.