Tuesday, June 06, 2006

god's last name is not damn

and God's first name is not God
at a recent staff meeting one of our faithful servants complained about movies using God's name in vain
i interjected that i had never seen a movie that used God's name in vain
shocked faces from all, except our generaltional pastor
she knew i was up to something
i explained that God's name was YHWH, which translates as "I am" or "I am what I am" (no relation to Popeye) or "I will be what I will be"
one asked, "what about Jehovah? isn't that God's name"
another answered, "no, German theologians created that name by adding the vowels from "elohim" to the transliterated letters JHVH and created Jeohovah"
spirited dialogue from all
general consensus: saying "God Damn" is using the Lord's name in vain
i elaborated, often turmoil is created by complaining about non-issues
there are important issues that deserve time, attention, emotion but too often the time, attention and emotion is channeled to non-issues
i also suggested that instead of using the word "God" we might begin following the example of Madeleine L'Engle and refer to God as "El"
they only frowned
but maybe later they thought more about it

1 comment:

marcusohara@aol.com said...

Thought of the day:
Jesus' middle name is not H!

Good info bro'. Concentrate on the important stuff. Didn't Paul say something about that?

I love your blog. Hope Fishy the younger reads this too.

Marc O'Hara