Thursday, March 08, 2007


experiences of recent months have included reconnecting with old friends.
some i've not seen, spoken to, etc in many, many years. didn't know so many years could pass with no loss of friendship. friends are good. friends are important. friends are eternal.
never know when a new person becomes a friend.
one i met while sitting in the library in undergraduate school.
we sang together, traveled together, lived together, experienced anger, joy, disappointment, disagreements, unity and bonds of love. we were in each others weddings and each others lives. and all these years later we are still friends.
next week little fish shows up in florida with a group of friends. it will be her last spring break at our florida house because we are selling. one of her friends is her room mate since freshman year. she has become a second daughter to us and is an important friend to little fish. i hope they are in each others weddings (not too soon) and rejoice with each other thru the years with the arrival of children, job changes, and the movement and changes of life.


Wendy said...
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Wendy said...

I love good friends. And I miss them terribly.

I like reading your blogs.

What will you be doing now? inquiring minds (Nate and me) want to know... (is a question ok in a blog comment?)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.