Saturday, December 15, 2007

christmas in the white house

the first lady recently fulfilled one of her traditional roles of hosting a televised tour of the white house christmas decorations. if hilary clinton is elected president will former president bill clinton be in charge of the white house decorations and will he appear on the annual televised tour? I look forward to that!

as much as i like barak obama, i've been very disappointed in his attacks on hiliary clinton, then equally disappointed in the way he responded when she attacked him; as if he didn't start the whole thing.

i'm amazed that republicans are already attacking senator clinton; they must assume she is the candidate to beat.

prediction: if hilary is elected president, and the economy rebounds, she will serve two terms. if barak is her vp, then he will be the first vp in my lifetime to serve two terms as president. (president nixon was elected twice but did not complete two terms in office) if someone else is her vp, and many of the other democrats would make great vp's, i.e. biden, richardson, etc, then barak might still be the president who follows her.

other predictions: if romney is elected, he will do well with domestic issues but not foreign. if giuliani is elected he will be a so-so president. if mccain is elected he will do the best job of taking care of iraq, but not in a way anyone expects. he is also the only republican who will have democrats in his administration. clinton is the only democrat who will have republicans in hers.

so what does any of this have to do with a blog that is at its basis a discussion of spiritual issues. a lot.
all of the top presidential candidates have faith backgrounds. across the two parties you will find a cross section of christianity; methodist, catholic, mormon, episcopal, baptist. you can find out more on
the past simplistic claims of the religious right that only republicans are believers no longer holds up. i'm glad. i want the candidates to be confronted by faith. i want them to think about how their faith will impact their responsibilities as president. i hope all of them call up jimmy carter and ask for his imput. it's not the president's job to promote christianity, that's my job and yours, but i don't want a president who leaves his or her faith outside the door of the oval office.

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